Wednesday 6 April 2016

Will we see a calm weekend again,

Hi all,
Still not much improvement in the weather and signs of fish are just as scarce out there.
Last weekend April 2nd I decided I would get the tear drop out for a fishy weekend.
I decided to try local, near enough should there be problems I had not far to got and far enough away that I wasn't going back for anything if I forgot it.

Forecast was poor.
The forecast was poor but I had hopes Kinageo would have some shelter.
Well in a word it wasn't, there was a decent bunch of breakers constantly breaking on the shore and my launch trough the rocks not as nice as I normally would like it.
I try and get a pic of what it is like but it never seems to portray what it is really like.
 It was rougher than I would normally try, but it was safe enough so out I went.

 Ye as always it was not nice out there. There was a stiff breeze, cold and it was a rodeo.
I was rattled and rolled all over the place, but it was nice to be out. I had planned to troll as close to the back of the breakers as possible but even 100yards from the shore was to close and a couple of large swells getting up the wrong side of had me heading out away from them. I trolled around and tried by the rocks and all the while the swell was getting bigger.
With the waves crashing on the shore and now some making it into the gully I came out, I headed for the shore. Damn that is nerve racking heading in a gully when its rough.
But the with the rods stowed in the hatch for a rough landing it was no bother and I managed to get into the shore between the swell and all was good.

 So I was out and back in under 30 mins lol, gives you an idea of what it was like.
So ashore in loads of time I was going to just go home, but sure it was a miserable evening and no better night to try it all out. I got the kettle on while I put the kayak away and the tea was ready by the time the kayak was away.
By now it was raining hard and it was time for dinner. The back door makes a great canopy and I could cook away in the shelter. I must have looked cracked sitting there cooking away but it was a good trial. Also it was a cold night out but in the tear drop the insulated walls made it a very comfortable night by the sea.
So I am all set for the next break in the weather and no doubt myself and a few others will be out there in search of some fun afloat. Won't be long now until it kicks off.

Thanks for reading and tight lines all.

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